Beechview Community Garden
Located between Beechwood Elementary School and Vannucci Park, the community garden is both practical and recreational.
Garden Info
The Beechview Community Garden occupies the space that once held Beechview’s public swimming pool. Though many fondly remember generations of fun at the pool, the space is now technically a city nature park located literally 20 feet from the new spray park built just down the hill.
Garden beds are available for 3 year leases from the city, and everyone in the community is welcome to relax or picnic there any time. The space is flat and surrounded by nature, with picnic tables and benches and other fun features to explore.
1229 Rockland Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15216
The garden is sandwiched between Beechwood Elementary School and Vannucci Park. You may park along Rockland, in the school lot if not in session, or at the playground.
Dawn until Dusk, 365 days/year
The garden gates are not locked as the garden belongs to the community. City guidelines do stipulate that the garden close at dark.
Everyone is welcome! Please respect your neighbor’s garden beds and clean up any trash when you are done. Unfortunately city regulations do not permit dogs in the garden.