Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to our new website!

Please bear with us as we work out the bugs and upgrade our home here on the web. If you notice anything not working properly, or have other suggestions please email admin@PrettyUpBeechview.org.
2019 Board Election

2019 Board Election

President: Marya Pittaway Treasurer: Gaudys Florentino-Dawson Secretary: Coralie Campobasso Members At-Large: Denise Wetzel, Keith Ziembicki Congratulations to our newly elected board!
Pitt Make a Difference Day 2019!

Pitt Make a Difference Day 2019!

On Saturday October 19th 2019 we were once again joined by volunteers from the University of Pittsburgh to work on the garden and surrounding greenspace. This year the students helped build multiple garden beds, planted trees left over from the Harvest Festival, and...